The Jacobites of North-East England 1688-1745
Author: Leo Gooch

Using a great deal of unpublished material, this book tells the real story of Northumbrian Jacobitism and dispels some remarkably persistent romantic myths about the leaders of the movement and their actions in the rising of 1715.

The author brings out the central importance of the Northumbrians in Jacobite strategy: an Anglo-Franco-Scottish army was to be assembled in Northumberland, seize Tyneside to gain control of London's fuel supplies, then sweep south to take the capital and place Prince James Francis Edward on the throne usurped from his father in 1688. The proceedings of the Northumbrians, have, however, been universally disparaged, and their leaders, Thomas Forster, Lord Widdrington and the Earl of Derwentwater, have been made scapegoats for the failure of the Rising. This book reveals the truth about the matter.

Moreover, Northumbrian Jacobitism survived the 'Fifteen to remain a thorn in the side of the Government for many years. Jacobite adherents at home and abroad remained so incorrigibly vexatious that the House of Hanover was not yet secure on the throne when the North once again figured in the 'Forty-Five. Northumbrian Jacobitism, therefore, had a much greater significance than has been understood hitherto.

The Desperate Faction? was first published in 1995 to critical acclaim and reissued in 2002, due to popular demand.

Price £12.00 ISBN 1 900 486 060

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